Primary Metal
At Flow Dynamics and Automation, we have a lot of experience in the primary metals markets, ranging from steel mini-mills and full process steel facilities to aluminum smelting and rolling. There are a wide variety of metal forming and processing mills in the southeast ranging from the production of nails, bending I beams, forming seamless pipe, making raw coil steel, to forming hoods for automobiles. In virtually all metal forming and processing some form of accurate hydraulic control is found. Position controls as well as force control are frequently used to produce a final product.
We have a full command of the process that are required to accomplish these task and stand ready to help troubleshoot, retrofit, design and to build the control systems to upgrade or maintain your systems. With our partnerships with Moog, Temposonics, Atos Delta and many others, we have the right solution for your situation. We have the ability and expertise to interchange with Bosch/Rexroth servo and proportional valves and a running track record of success in that area. Most of our valves can be delivered from stock or within 6-8 weeks max. Call us for a consult.